We encourage you to stop by and view a class in progress.

Suggested Class Supply List

Paints: Gamblin oil or Windsor Newton oil paints
Size: 37ml
* Permanent Alizarin Crimson
* Cadmium Red Deep
* Cadmium Red Med
* Cadmium Red Light
* Cadmium Orange
* Cadmium Yellow Deep
* Cadmium Yellow Medium
* Cadmium Yellow Light
* Ultramarine Blue
* Manganese Blue
* Cerulean Blue
* Cobalt Blue
* Ivory Black
* Titanium White
* Yellow Ochre
* Burnt Umber
* Burnt Sienna
* Raw Umber
* Viridian
* Chromium Oxide Green

Grey Paper Palette 12 x 16 Pad,  (not White)
If you have a Masterson Paint Box with Glass. Purchased separately,
This Gray Paper palette will fit in it.

Assorted, Flats, Rounds & Filberts.  Have a small round for details the rest should be 
4, 6, 8, 10

2 metal cups to hold your Turpenoid and Medium:
Odorless Turpenoid
Medium Linseed Oil

Viva Paper Towels
Razor Blades to (Clean Glass Palette)

Palette Knife to Mix colors.

Stretched Canvas or Canvas Boards
(I Prefer Blick Studio Linen Profile ¾” Primed Wt. 9oz Linen)
9 x 12, 12 x 16, 14 x 18

Call anytime if you have any questions about the supplies:
201. 819.4847